I have been back from my trip to Slovakia for exactly one week now. It's good to be back but I am still trying to catch up. I apologize for my delayed response to your e-mails and voice-mails. I promise to get in touch as soon as I can.
Our trip to Slovakia was wonderful. It always feels good to be back home. We did so many things with the kids centered specially around animals and water. Riding horses, playing with kittens, puppies and grass hoppers, swimming, playing in creeks and lakes and riding more horses...
Here are just a few snapshots:
Lea and Boo, the cutest puppy
My grandma's beloved cat
Lea and her friend Elishka feeding wild horses
Gorgeous sky
My newest niece, little Izabela at 4 weeks
Izabela sleeping
From left to right: My sister Diana holding Izabela, Alesh, Christina with her dad Matej behind her, Jakub, Lea, my dad, me, Kristof, Petra and my brother Daniel
The view from our cabin window, Krivan (2,010 meters)
Alesh proudly riding on a horse