Fremouw Photography, together with other local photographers, and the Register Guard are partnering to celebrate Mother's Day 2008!
The Register Guard will be running a special section called Mother's Day Special Section on May 11th. The whole section will have photographs of moms with children, husbands, grandparents, step-parents, adoptive-parents... Just beautiful photos of our Moms!
Show mom how much she means to you by placing a precious family photo in the Register Guard!
The cost is $50 per photo submitted and must be paid in advance.
The deadline for submitting your photo is April 11, 2008!
And here's the deal, if you had a session with me in the past and you'd like to submit a photo from your session, I will do that for you for absolutely no additional charge. All it's going to cost you is the $50 to the Register Guard.
If you would like to do a new session just for the purpose of submitting a photo to the Register Guard, I will do a mini-session for you for absolutely no charge. In other words, I'll waive the session fee (which is normally $80).
Your session must occur by April 1st.
Let your friends know and lets flood the Register Guard with some beautiful photos of our families!
For more information, please call Livia at 541-344-3389.