February 19, 2009

6-year-olds are cool! - Family and children's photographer, Eugene Oregon

Did you read that article in the Monday paper about 6-year olds? It was tiled Nothing’s better than a 6-year-old — unless you’re his mom. I really enjoyed it.

I absolutely adore this age. Six. So genuine, happy and carefree. This young lady, miss A is no exception. She's an amazingly charming child. A bit reserved at first but once she senses that there is no danger in hanging out with me, she opens up and lets me see all her tricks including her super-duper karate kicks and jumps :-)

February 10, 2009

KUMON kids - photography session for KUMON learning center located in Eugene, Oregon

KUMON learning center which opened in Eugene last year needed some fresh new photos of their cute students for their walls which will soon be expanding! KUMON is growing! I had the pleasure of working with about 20 children during this specialized photo session. And they were all amazing. What a pleasure!

If you would like to know more about KUMON and what it can offer to your children, please visit Eugene KUMON page or read about it on KUMON's main website.

February 06, 2009

Twin boys and their big sister - twins and multiples photography, Eugene, Oregon

These beautiful blue-eyed boys are 7 months old. Their sweet big sister just turned 5. They didn't like my camera very much, I guess it is pretty scary looking but they sure loved playing peek-a-boo!